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Do you accept Paypal?Updated 2 months ago

PayPal Checkout Process

When you choose to checkout using PayPal, you will be directed to the PayPal site to complete your payment. Here's what to expect:

  1. Log In
    You will be prompted to log in to your PayPal account with your credentials.

  2. Review Your Order
    Once logged in, you will have the opportunity to review your order details, including the total amount, shipping information, and payment method.

  3. Confirm Payment
    After reviewing, click on 'Pay Now' to complete the transaction.

  4. Return to Au Vodka
    Once the payment is processed, you will be redirected back to to confirm your order and receive your order confirmation.

This secure process ensures your payment is handled swiftly and efficiently, with the added protection of PayPal’s secure payment system. If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to reach out to our customer service team at [email protected].

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